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Learning Coding Fundamentals with Python and SQL Learning Coding Fundamentals with Python and SQL Darrell Wolfe ————————————————————— Disclaimers First It is not my intention to steal anyone’s thunder or copyrighted material. I do not believe these seven fundamentals are specific to Dr Hill (below), who was the initial inspiration to start this note file. That beings said, she has a particularly unique method of teaching, and I strongly recommend that if you are someone who needs a good teacher, she’s the one! This is my own process of learning. I take information from as many sources and teachers as possible, synthesis that material, and then practice it until I get good at it. Further, I like to take detailed notes so I can refer back to them when a particular tool starts getting rusty or dusty in my brain after disuse for a time. When I learned .rmd through my Google Data Analytics Certification, I